On this page, you can find links to well-known scientific journals dealing with tool- and mold-making.
Journal for industrial sheet metal processing companies
Bänder | Bleche | Rohre
Industry magazine for sheet metal processing
Der Stahlformenbauer
Trade journal with current information about mold-making
Form + Werkzeug
Branch magazine for the mould- and toolmaking industry
Kunststoffe international
Provides information on technical developments and industry trends
Kunststoff Magazin
Specialist portal for the plastics industry
Portal for plastics processors
VDWF im Dialog
Magazine of the German society of tool and die makers (VDWF)
Werkzeug & Formenbau
Branch magazine for tool, die, mould, and fixture production
wt Werkstattstechnik Online
Latest research results from science, universities of applied sciences, and industry – practice- and future-oriented
ZWF Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb
Latest research results from production technology and current knowledge about industrial processes of production